02-15-23 Town Board Meeting

The regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of St. Croix Falls was called to order by Chairman Mike Dorsey at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 15, 2023, at the Town Hall. Proper notice was given as the agenda was posted at the town hall and on the town’s website February 10, 2023. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Present by roll call were chairman Mike Dorsey, supervisors Katie Appel, Will Bergmann, Jeremy Hall and Sharon Kelly. Also present were town clerk Janet Krueger, public works employee Steve Jacobs and legal counsel Adam Jarchow. Others in attendance were Deb and Ron Micek, Patrick Brenholt and Kristin Posson. Appel/Hall moved to approve the agenda; motion carried. Kelly/Bergmann moved to approve the minutes as printed for the January 18, 2023, and February 2, 2023, town board meetings; motion carried.

Public comment: The newly hired part time highway helper Patrick Brenholt introduced himself to the Town Board. Mr. Micek stated he wished to send information regarding the 1918 140th Avenue transient housing complaint to the plan commission members.

Committee, Commission and Employee Reports: The treasurer’s report was reviewed. Receipts for the period ending January 31, 2023, amounted to $1,514,751.80, cash balance on January 31, 2023, was $1,647,226.55. Mr. Jacobs presented the highway report. Ms. Krueger presented the clerks report. Hall/Bergmann moved to approve payment of vouchers #23-022 through #23-051amounting to $1,428,294.39; motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote, 5-0. The 2023 year to date budget summaries were reviewed. The building permit log was reviewed. Supervisor Kelly updated the board on topics covered at the recent WTA Polk County Unit meeting. Chairman Dorsey stated he had received a complaint regarding oil from the boat landing parking lot is dispersing into the lake.

New Business: The 2022 Financial Report was presented. Appel/Kelly moved to adopt the 2022 Financial Report; motion carried. Proposals submitted for the 2023 lawn maintenance season were Lake Services Unlimited – $70.00 per service of weekly cut, trim and blow down and $105.00 application of pre-emergence with fertilizer; All in One Property Care – $60.00 per service of weekly cut, trim and blow down; and Turf Management Specialties – $100.00 pre-emergence with fertilizer. Hall/Appel moved to accept the proposal from All in One Property Care for $60.00 per service of weekly cut, trim and blow down with no pre-emergence or fertilizer application; motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote, 5-0. A letter drafted supporting James Beistle’s nomination to the Unity Education “Wall of Honor” was reviewed. Kelly/Hall moved to approve the letter; motion carried. The special exception termination language was reviewed and new language was proposed. Discussion was had on changing the March town board meeting date. Appel/Hall moved to hold the March town board meeting on March 23, 2023. Appel/Hall moved to amend the motion and hold the March town board meeting on Monday, March 27, 2023, at 6:00 pm; the amended motion carried.

Closing public comment was had: Mrs. Micek inquired on whether zoning permits were online and expressed flexibility for the public hearing requirement regarding termination of special exceptions would be very useful. Ms. Posson expressed concern that the flexibility of the public hearing requirement could potentially be divisive.
The next regular town board meeting has been rescheduled to Monday, March 27, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Agenda items are “review the town’s emergency plans” and “consider 2023 road work”.

There being no further business, Appel/Bergmann moved to adjourn the meeting; motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

Minutes prepared by Janet Krueger, town clerk.