06-19-24 Town Board Meeting


The regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of St. Croix Falls was called to order by Chairman Mike Dorsey at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 19, 2024, at the Town Hall.  Proper notice was given as the agenda was posted at the town hall and on the town’s website June 14, 2024.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.  Present by roll call were Chairman Mike Dorsey, supervisors Katie Appel, Will Bergmann, Jeremy Hall and Brent Priebe.  Also present were town clerk/treasurer Janet Krueger, public works employee Steve Jacobs and legal counsel Adam Jarchow.  Others in attendance were Mike Erickson, Robert Hoglund, Mark Thayer, Kyle Yunker and Jordan Meierhofer.

Appel/Hall moved to approve the agenda with the striking of 7F; motion carried. Appel/Bergmann moved to approve the minutes as printed for the May 15, 2024, town board meeting; motion carried.

Public comment:  Mr. Meierhofer stated he was present for the special exception request.

Committee, Commission and Employee Reports: Mr. Jacobs presented the highway report.  Mr. Jacobs stated the double chip seal has been pushed off a week to June 26th; Trap Rock is currently not selling class 5; and the gas company is close to closing 180th Street for approximately 4 days.  Ms. Krueger presented the clerk/treasurer’s report.  Hall/Bergmann moved to approve payment of vouchers #24-133 through 24-164 amounting to $174,254.47; motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote, 5-0.  The 2024 year to date budget summaries were reviewed.  Receipts for the period ending May 31, 2024, amounted to $8,641.57, cash balance on May 31, 2024, was $512,153.68.  The building permit and zoning permit logs were reviewed.  Supervisor Appel stated she had done some research in insurance rates on rural properties in relation to fire protection; and stated she was contacted about a billboard sign being erected at the intersection of State Road 35 and US Highway 8.  Chairman Dorsey stated he was contacted by Monarch regarding an elevation issue where Sunshine Street and Fairgrounds Road meet which will create an additional cost; a citizen complaint was received regarding road work on Fairgrounds Road and stated no action will be taken; received notification of a unlicensed vacation rental in which a letter has been sent out informing them they will need a special exception for transient lodging; and the storage containers in front of the fireworks store have been moved so they are not blocking the neighboring businesses; however the property owner was unable to move the containers behind the business due to the saturated ground.

New Business:  A request for distribution of sheds and concrete tables was presented.  Appel/Bergmann moved to approve Resolution 24-14 granting a special exception to Jordan Meierhofer for distribution of concrete tables and sheds; motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote, 5-0.

Resolution 24-14



WHEREAS property owner Jordan Meierhofer has filed an application with the Town of St. Croix Falls for distribution of concrete tables and sheds at 1566 State Highway 35, located in the SW ¼ of NW ¼ of Section 13, T34N, R18W, and identified as Tax Parcel #044-00299-0000; and

WHEREAS the first 650 feet of the property is zoned commercial; and

WHEREAS Chapter III, Section C, 3. Commercial District, c. (13) distribution requires a Special Exception; and

WHEREAS per Chapter I, Section I, 3, (b) the Plan Commission did conduct a public hearing on the matter and did recommend approval on June 12, 2024, for the special exception with conditions for distribution of concrete tables and sheds at 1566 State Highway 35 in the SW ¼ of NW ¼ of Section 13.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of St. Croix Falls, Polk County, Wisconsin, does hereby concur with the Town Plan Commission to grant a special exception to Jordan Meierhofer for distribution of sheds and concrete tables at 1566 State Highway 35 in the SW ¼ of NW ¼ of Section 13 and identified as tax parcel number #044-00299-0000 subject to the following conditions:

  • No office in sheds;
  • The special exception shall terminate upon the sale or transfer of ownership of either the parcel of land or the business itself;
  • Any formal complaint lodged against the use in the first year of operation will lead to an automatic review of the special exception by the plan commission and/or town board at the next possible meeting; and
  • The business will obey all laws and maintain all proper licenses and permits.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this special exception is conditioned on the applicants obtaining the necessary and required permits, if any, from Polk County and various agencies of the State of Wisconsin; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this special exception must be exercised by application for necessary permits, if any, or business activity as approved within twelve (12) months of the date of this Resolution.


A minor subdivision request was reviewed.  Hall/Appel moved to adopt Resolution 24-15 approving a minor subdivision; motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote, 5-0.

Resolution 24-15



WHEREAS Robert Hoglund, owner of real property in the SE ¼ of NE ¼  of Section 16, T34N, R18W, identified as Tax Parcel No. 044-00372-0000 and located at 15xx 210th Street, and

WHEREAS the owner has proposed dividing the current 14.27 acres, more or less, into two parcels, new parcel (Lot 2) consisting of 3.82 acres, and the remaining parcel (Lot 1) consisting of 10.45 acres, more or less, and

WHEREAS the Plan Commission of the Town of St. Croix Falls held a public hearing on June 12, 2024, and after reviewing the request recommends Town Board approval.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of St. Croix Falls, Polk County, Wisconsin, does approve the creation of a minor subdivision from Tax Parcel No. 044-00372-0000 into two parcels, one parcel (Lot 2) consisting of 3.82 acres, and the remaining parcel (Lot 1) consisting of 10.45 acres, more or less; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board authorizes a Town Representative to sign the “Polk County Subdivision Ordinance Town Board Check List”, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board requests the Polk County Land Information Office to review and approve the creation of this minor subdivision, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the subdivider provides the Town with a copy of the Certified Survey Map after same has been recorded in the Polk County Register of Deeds Office.

Mr. Thayer presented a request on behalf of the Deer Lake Improvement Association for a decontamination station at the Deer Lake boat landing.  Hall/Bergmann moved to approve a decontamination station at the landing with the chairman and highway employee determining the signs location; motion carried.   The fire agreement with the City of St. Croix Falls was reviewed and discussion was had.  Appel/Bergmann moved to adopt Resolution 24-05 approving the fire contract with St. Croix Falls; motion failed on a roll-call vote, 2-1 with Mr. Dorsey and Mr. Hall abstaining (Yeas:  Appel; Nays:  Bergmann & Priebe).  Supervisors Bergmann and Priebe would like to meet with the St. Croix Falls City administrator to discuss the fire agreement and have the item reconsidered next month.  Ordinance 24-02 amending the Behavior of Animals ordinance was presented for the second reading.  Bergmann/Hall moved to approve Resolution 24-16 adopting Ordinance 24-02 amending the Behavior of Animals ordinance; motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote, 5-0.

Resolution 24-16



WHEREAS the Town Board for the Town of St. Croix Falls has village powers under Section 60.10(2)(c), Stats., that grants police powers as set forth in Section 61.34(1), Stats., to act for the good order of the Town, for its commercial benefit and for the health, safety, and welfare of the public; and

WHEREAS the Town of St. Croix Falls approved an Behavior of Animals Ordinance on November 20, 2000, and amended the ordinance on January 21, 2009; and

WHEREAS the Town Board wishes to remove ambiguous language; and

WHEREAS the Town Board held a first reading on May 15, 2024, and a second reading was held on June 19, 2024.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of St. Croix Falls, Polk County, Wisconsin, does approve Ordinance 24-02 amending Section 3 (iv) by deleting “habitually barks or howls to the annoyance of any person or persons” and amend (v) “kills or wounds or worries” with the deletion of worries;  amend Section 7 (b) by deleting “barking excessively or making excessive noises” and amend Section 8 (b) by deleting “habitually barks, cries, or howls” and the term “worries”; and Section 1.7 “Exempt Structures in Wisconsin Administrative Code” of the Ordinance Adopting Wisconsin Building Codes; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Ordinance 24-02 become effective upon passage and publication and/or posting according to Wisconsin State Statute.

Ordinance 24-02


Section 1:  Purpose

The purpose of this ordinance is to amend:

Section 3 – Restrictions, by deleting (iv):

(iv) Habitually barks or howls to the annoyance of any person or persons.

And amend the (v) and renumber the remaining items to read as follows:

(v)  (iv) Kills or wounds, or worries any domestic animal.

(vi) (v) Is known by such person to be infected with rabies or to have been bitten by an animal known to have been infected with rabies.

(vii) (vi) Can be defined as an exotic animal.

Section 7 – Vicious Animals, b to read as follows:

(b) No person shall harbor or permit to remain on his premises any animal that is habitually inclined toward attacking person or animals, destroying property, barking excessively or making excessive noises or running after automobiles.

Section 8 – Impoundment of Animals and Fees, b to read as follows:

(b) Impounding of Animals. In addition to any penalty hereinafter provided for a violation of this ordinance, any police or humane officer may impound any dog, cat, or other animal which habitually pursues any vehicle upon any street, alley, or highway of this Town; assaults or attacks any person or destroys property; is at large within the Town; habitually barks, cries, or howls; kills or, wounds or worries any domestic animal; or is infected with rabies, suspected of having rabies, or has been bitten by an animal known to have been infected with rabies. In order for an animal to be impounded, the impounding officer must see or hear the violation of this section or have in his possession a signed statement of a complaining witness made under oath alleging the facts regarding the violation and containing an agreement to reimburse the Town for any damages it sustains for an improper or illegal seizure.

Section 2:  Effective Date

This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and legal publication.


Appel/Bergmann moved to approve the fireworks displays at Big Rock Creek for June 20, 2024, and July 4, 2024; motion carried.  Hall/Bergmann moved to adopt Resolution 24-17; Resolution 24-18; and Resolution 24-19 approving the alcohol, cigarette/tobacco/electronic vaping devices and operator licenses; motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote, 5-0.

Resolution 24-17



WHEREAS the individuals, partnerships and corporations listed below have made application to the Town Clerk requesting alcohol beverage licenses pursuant to Chapter 125 of the Wisconsin Statutes for the year ending June 30, 2025; and

WHEREAS the applications appear to be complete and the required fee has been paid; and

WHEREAS publication of notice appeared in the Inter-County Leader on June 12, 2024, and was posted at the Town Hall and on the town’s website on June 6, 2024, per Wisconsin State Statutes 125.04(3)(g).

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of St. Croix Falls does approve and grant alcohol beverage licenses for the year ending June 30, 2025, to the named individuals, partnerships and corporations as follows:

PEERS BAR OF WI, LLC, a limited liability company dba Peer’s Bar, Corey L. Peer, agent, for a Combination “Class B” beer and liquor license, SE ¼ Section 26, 1953 US Hwy 8, St. Croix Falls, WI  54024. BLB 2025-01

NOT JUSTA BAR & CAFÉ, INC., a corporation dba Not Justa Bar-N-Cafe, Cole J. Bertram, agent, for a Combination “Class B” beer and liquor license, SE ¼ Section 26, 1961 US Hwy 8, St. Croix Falls, WI  54024. BLB 2025-02

BIG ROCK CREEK, LLC, a limited liability company dba Big Rock Creek, Joshua A. Hansen, agent, for a combination “Class B” beer and liquor license, SE ¼ Section 6, 1674 State Highway 87, St. Croix Falls, WI  54024. BLB 2025-03

CROSS COUNTRY ASSOCIATES, INC., a corporation dba Poco Loco Mexican Grill, Jordan A. Cross, agent, for a Class “B” beer license, SE ¼ Section 28, 2190 US Hwy 8, St. Croix Falls, WI  54024. BB 2025-01

APG WI, LLC, a limited liability company dba Speedway #7842, Heidi Marie Wilson, agent, for a Combination “Class A” beer and liquor license, NW ¼ Section 35, 1960 US Hwy 8, St. Croix Falls, WI  54024.  ALB 2025-01

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be authorized to issue the licenses as the case may be.


Resolution 24-18



WHEREAS the individuals, partnerships, and corporations listed below have made application to the Town Clerk requesting cigarette, tobacco and electronic vaping device retail licenses pursuant to Section 134.65 of the Wisconsin Statutes for the year ending June 30, 2025; and

WHEREAS the applications appear to be complete and the required fee has been paid.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of St. Croix Falls does approve and grant cigarette, tobacco and electronic vaping device retail licenses to the named individuals, partnerships, and corporations as follows:

APG WI, LLC, DBA SPEEDWAY #7842, HEIDI-MARIE WILSON, AGENT, 1960 US HWY 8, ST. CROIX FALLS WI  54024, 715-483-9080, 456-1031540862-02, 93-30348770, 2025-01, Bar NO

PEERS BAR OF WI, LLC DBA PEER’S BAR, COREY L PEER, AGENT, 1953 US HWY 8, ST. CROIX FALLS WI 54024, 715-483-9390, 456-1031484061-04, 93-3109287, 2025-02, Bar YES

RIVARDS OF TAYLORS FALLS DBA ST. CROIX OUTDOORS, TODD ANGEL, AGENT, 1298 198th STREET, ST. CROIX FALLS WI  54024, 715-483-9515, 456-0000200113-03, 41-1553106, 2025-03, Bar NO

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be authorized to issue the licenses as the case may be.


Resolution 24-19



WHEREAS the individuals listed below have made application to the Town Clerk requesting an operator’s licenses pursuant to Sections 125.32(2) and 125.68(2) of the Wisconsin Statutes for the year ending June 30, 2025, and

WHEREAS the applications appear to be complete and the required fee has been paid;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of St. Croix Falls does approve and grant operator’s licenses to:


Allen-Hawkins, Stephanie Lynn 29283 Snowgoose Trail Shafer MN 55074 2025- 1
Anderberg, Alex Richard 2622 260th St Cushing, WI  54006 2025- 2
Aumiller, Brock Hunter 1258 Falcon Place New Richmond WI 54017 2025- 3
Barnett, Tereasa Louise 6136 Glacier Drive North Branch MN 55056 2025- 4
Bertram, Cole 966 Brave Drive Somerset WI 54025 2025- 5
Brotherton, Nicolas Gage 725 Broadway Street Apt A Hammond, WI  54015 2025- 6
Bushinger, Abigail Elizabeth 1381 140th Avenue Balsam Lake WI 54810 2025- 7
Cain, Darla J 718 100th St Amery WI 54001 2025- 8
Carlson, Jacqueline N 22650 Lang Rd Grantsburg WI 54840 2025- 9
Carroll, Laura Jean 697 180th St Osceola WI 54020 2025- 10
Coddington, Casey Danielle 109 North Adams St St. Croix Falls WI  54024 2025- 11
Cokley, Candice Jo 109 Michigan Avenue Centuria WI 54824 2025- 12
Cross, Carson 882 179th Street Dresser, WI  54009 2025- 13
Cross, Jordan A 882 179th St Dresser WI  54009 2025- 14
Daigle, Vicki Ellen 370 Odanah Avenue Apt 6 New Richmond WI 54017 2025- 15
Engelke, Allison Ann 671 Monette Ave #5 New Richmond WI 54017 2025- 16
Fox, Lori Jean 2188 100th Ave Dresser WI 54009 2025- 17
Gawlik, Taylor Grace 1878 98th Ave Dresser WI  54009 2025- 18
Hagstrom, Gerald Theodore 1294 198th St St. Croix Falls WI  54024 2025- 19
Hoverman, Jasmine Katherina 104 N East Ave Dresser, WI  54009 2025- 20
Johnson, Cassandra Anne 106 E Ave N POB 255 Dresser WI 54009 2025- 21
Klein, Melissa Diane 17782 308th Street Shafer MN 55074 2025- 22
Koenig, Kristen April 3+++ 30th Avenue Osceola WI 54020 2025- 23
Madison, Timera Joel 334 1st Avenue W Clear Lake, WI  54005 2025- 24
Mager, MaryAnne Bernadette 1023 Oak Ridge Drive Osceola WI 54020 2025- 25
Meyer, Jacob Michael 408 Michigan Avenue Centuria WI 54824 2025- 26
Nelson, Julie Anne 2668 River Road St. Croix Falls WI  54024 2025- 27
Neuman, Nancy K 409 B 10th Avenue Osceola WI 54020 2025- 28
Newbauer, Pamela Judith 1514 Bridget Lake Lane St. Croix Falls WI  54024 2025- 29
Nye, Jordan Sara 357 Broadway St E Amery WI 54001 2025- 30
Okeefe, Becky Jo 1733 Squirrel Way New Richmond WI 54017 2025- 31
Olson, Jane A 16906 Wild Mountain Road Taylors Falls, WI  55084 2025- 32
Peer, Corey Lyn 730 170th Street Osceola WI 54020 2025- 33
Peer, Mason Joseph 808 Superior Avenue Centuria WI 54824 2025- 34
Peterson, James Parklin 3 St. Croix Lofts Drive Unit 103 St. Croix Falls WI  54024 2025- 35
Peterson, Jenna Arleen 355 Church Street Dresser, WI  54009 2025- 36
Rose, Tiffany Amber 300 West Main St Balsam Lake WI 54810 2025- 37
Stencil, Gail Lynne 25 N Pine St POB 414 Luck WI 54853 2025- 38
Stephens, Caroline Mae 2341 Oak Drive Osceola WI 54020 2025- 39
Swanson, Dean Bruce 501 8th St #21 Centuria WI 54824 2025- 40
Tillery-Lamarche, Patric 206Milltown Avenue Milltown, WI  54858 2025- 41
Wait, Craig Lihton 2 Center View Parkway Centuria WI 54824 2025- 42
West, Amber Lee 4420 231st Lane NE Bethel, MN  55005 2025- 43
Wilson, Heidi-Marie Angelika 1980 60th St Balsam Lake WI 54810 2025- 44
Collier, JudyMarie 3523 Hidden Trail Drive Spring Hill FA  34606 2025- 45
Backes, Devin James 224 E 1st Avenue #4 Milltown, WI  54858 2025- 46
Fox Terry Lynne 901 8th Street Centuria WI 54824 2025- 47
Johnson, Damian Michael 227 2nd Avenue SW Milltown, WI  54858 2025- 48


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be authorized to issue the licenses as the case may be.


Additional road work was discussed and will be considered again at next month’s meeting.

Closing public comment:  Mr. Meierhofer asked what fire district his property was located in.  Mr. Yunker asked that the road standards ordinance be reviewed and a culvert on 210th Street be looked at.

There being no further business, Bergmann/Hall moved to adjourn the meeting; motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 7:13 p.m.

Minutes prepared by town clerk Janet Krueger.