08-13-24 Municipal Board of Canvassers


A meeting of the Municipal Board of Canvassers began at 8:00 p.m. at the Town Hall on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, to canvass the Falls Partisan Primary.  Election Inspectors/Canvassers present were Katie Appel, Robin Palin, Christine Giffey-Brohaugh, Pattie Roberts and Joyce Turnquist.  Others present Janet Krueger, town clerk/treasurer.  A total of 248 votes were cast and 248 voters voted, of which 16 were absentee.

Results for the Town of St. Croix Falls were:

Untied States Senator

Democratic:  Tammy Baldwin – 73

Republican:  Eric Hovde – 99; Charles E. Barman – 13; Rejani Raveendram – 36

Representative in Congress District 7

Democratic:  Kyle Kilbourn – 40; Elsa Rae Duranceau – 36

Republican:  Tom Tiffany – 138

Representative to the Assembly District 75

Democratic:  Jane Kleiss – 72

Republican:  Neil Kline – 28; Duke Tucker – 61; Jay Calhoun – 70

Polk County District Attorney

Democratic Write-Ins:  Blake Yunker – 1; Jeff Kemp – 1

Republican Write-Ins:  John Hancock – 1; Ted Nugent – 1

Polk County Clerk

Democratic Write-In:  Blake Yunker – 1

Republican:  Shabana Lundeen – 125

Polk County Treasurer

Democratic:  Amanda Nissen – 70

Republican Write-Ins:  Mandy Nissen – ; Ted Nugent – 1

Polk County Register of Deeds

Democratic:  Sally L. Spanel – 70

Republican Write-Ins:  Sal Spanel – 1; Ted Nugent – 1

State of WI Appropriation of Power Referendum Question #1:  Yes – 140; No – 94

State of WI Allocation of Money Referendum Question #2:  Yes – 149; No – 84

With completion of counting votes cast, the local and municipal board of canvassers adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Janet Krueger, Town Clerk/Treasurer