09-18-24 Town Board Meeting


The regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of St. Croix Falls was called to order by Chairman Mike Dorsey at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at the Town Hall.  Proper notice was given as the agenda was posted at the town hall and on the town’s website September 13, 2024.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.  Present by roll call were chairman Mike Dorsey, supervisors Katie Appel, Will Bergmann and Jeremy Hall.  Supervisor Brent Priebe was absent.  Also present were town clerk/treasurer Janet Krueger, public works employee Steve Jacobs and legal counsel Adam Jarchow.  Others in attendance were Kyle Yunker, John Sorenson, Tyler Wirth, Ginny Frokjer, Anthony Kreft, Robert Hoglund, Scott Hasselquist, Barb and Joel Enochs, and Sarah Dunlavy.

Hall/Bergmann moved to approve the agenda; motion carried. Hall/Appel moved to approve the minutes as printed for the August 18, 2024, town board meeting; motion carried.

Public comment was had.  Mr. Hoglund expressed concern of safety if 210th Street remains gravel until the spring of 2025; Mr. Yunker inquired on the maintenance of 210th Street while it is gravel; asked to receive resolutions before the meeting; and asked the town board to consider notifying residents of road work projects; Mr. Kreft requested 210th Street be closed to thru traffic until paved, requested the road be paved and stated the grader has been out working on the road for over three and a half hours; Ms. Frokjer is also concerned about the safety and liability of 210th Street and stated signage was needed; and Ms. Dunlavy would like to see a formal maintenance plan for 210th Street while it remains gravel and that the plan be followed.

Committee, Commission and Employee Reports: Mr. Jacobs gave the highway report.  Mr. Jacobs stated Scott Construction would be out to do the double chip seal on 170th Avenue and 180th Avenue tomorrow (9-19-24); grader patching on 140th Avenue has been completed; and a crew has been set up to replace the seven culverts on 210th Street which should take no more than two days.  Ms. Krueger presented the clerk/treasurer’s report.  Hall/Bergmann moved to adopt Resolution 24-27 approving an amendment to the 2024 budget; motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote, 4-0.

Resolution 24-27



WHEREAS Town Board provides payroll services for the Deer Lake Improvement Association; and

WHEREAS year-to-date, the Deer Lake Payroll Expense Account has a deficit of $1,542.78; and

WHEREAS the Deer Lake Improvement Association reimburses the Town for the payroll services creating a surplus in the General Operations Fund.

THEREFORE the Town Board of the Town of St. Croix Falls, Polk County does hereby resolve and order as follows:

That the sum of $2,500.00 is hereby transferred from the General Operations fund to the Deer Lake Payroll Expense Account.

Appel/Bergmann moved to approve payment of vouchers #24-223 through 24-249 amounting to $25,716.59; motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote, 4-0.  The 2024 year to date budget summaries were reviewed.  Receipts for the period ending August 31, 2024, amounted to $319,690.74, cash balance on August 31, 2024, was $384,441.31.  The building permit and zoning permit logs were reviewed.  Chairman Dorsey stated he was informed that there are only four bedrooms instead of five in the VRBO that was approved last month.  Legal counsel and the clerk will look into the number of bedrooms.

New Business:  The minor subdivision application and request to waive the two lot minimum for a private access was discussed.  Hall/Bergmann moved to approve three lots to access the private easement/private road being created by the minor subdivision; motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote, 4-0.  Bergmann/Hall moved to adopt Resolution 24-28 approving a minor subdivision of parcel 044-00794-0000 located at 21xx US Highway 8; motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote, 4-0.

Resolution 24-28



WHEREAS Jordan Cross, owner of real property in the SE ¼ of SE ¼  of Section 28, T34N, R18W, identified as Tax Parcel No. 044-00794-0000 and located at 21xx US Highway 8, and

WHEREAS the owner has proposed dividing the current 27.18 acres, more or less, into two parcels, new parcel (Lot 5) consisting of 7.36 acres; add .44 acres to existing parcel 044-00796-0000; and the remaining parcel (Lot 6) consisting of 19.36 acres, more or less, and

WHEREAS the Town’s Subdivision Ordinance Section 9.1(5) prohibits private streets serving more than two parcels; and

WHEREAS the current request would create three parcels being accessed by one access; and

WHEREAS the Plan Commission of the Town of St. Croix Falls held a public hearing on September 11, 2024, and after reviewing the request recommends the Town Board waive the two lot prohibition so that three lots can be served by an easement and recommends approval of the minor subdivision.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of St. Croix Falls, Polk County, Wisconsin, approves the creation of a minor subdivision from Tax Parcel No. 044-00796-0000 into two parcels, one parcel (Lot 6) consisting of 19.39 acres, and the remaining parcel (Lot 5) consisting of 7.36 acres, more or less; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the easement be labeled as “Private Road/Street” and statement stating “The Town of St. Croix Falls incurs no obligation to maintain or repair the shown non-dedicated roadway” as per the Town’s Subdivision Ordinance; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board authorizes a Town Representative to sign the “Polk County Subdivision Ordinance Town Board Check List”, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board requests the Polk County Land Information Office to review and approve the creation of this minor subdivision, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the subdivider provides the Town with a copy of the Certified Survey Map after same has been recorded in the Polk County Register of Deeds Office.

Appel/Bergmann moved to adopt Resolution 24-29 approving an additional operator license for the year ending June 30, 2025; motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote, 4-0.

Resolution 24-29



WHEREAS the individual listed below has made application to the Town Clerk requesting an operator’s license pursuant to Sections 125.32(2) and 125.68(2) of the Wisconsin Statutes for the year ending June 30, 2025, and

WHEREAS the applications appear to be complete and the required fee has been paid;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of St. Croix Falls does approve and grant operator’s licenses to:

Bracht, Samantha Jo  200 Seminde Avenue Lot 34, Osceola, WI  54020; 2025-51

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be authorized to issue the licenses as the case may be.

Bids received for paving 210th Street were Monarch Paving Company – $377,271.00 for warm mix asphalt and Monarch Paving Company – $373,760.00 for hot mix asphalt.  Appel/Bergmann moved to accept the Monarch Paving Company bid to pave 210th Street approximately 2.01 miles using the warm mix asphalt in the amount of $377,271.00; motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote, 4-0.  The clerk presented a revised driveway permit application.  Bergmann/Hall moved to approve the revised driveway application; motion carried.  A cost proposal for fire services resulting from the Centuria Fire Department merging with the Milltown Fire Department was reviewed.

Closing public comment was had.  Mr. Yunker requested to see resolutions, stated the culvert near 160th Avenue needs to be lowered; and asked that a road maintenance ordinance be created; Ms. Frokjer inquired why 160th Avenue is washing out; Mr. Kreft asked about the size of culverts being replaced in regards to the “Road Standards Ordinance”; and Mr. Wirth with Monarch Paving Company stated the Town of St. Croix Falls has one of the better road plans when it comes to resurfacing roads and 210th Street will have a very stable base when the project is complete.

The October town board meeting will be October 16, 2024, with a special town board meeting following the regular meeting for 2025 budget workshop.  There being no further business, Hall/Bergmann moved to adjourn the meeting; motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

Minutes prepared by town clerk Janet Krueger.