10-11-23 Plan Commission Minutes

(Draft – Not official until approved)

The regular meeting of the Town Plan Commission for the Town of St. Croix Falls was called to order by Chairman Mike Dorsey at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, at the Town Hall.  Proper notice was given as the notice was published in the September 27, 2023, and October 4, 2023, editions of the Inter County Leader and the agenda was posted at the town hall and on the town’s website October 6, 2023.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.  Present by roll call were Chairman Mike Dorsey, members Jeremy Appel, Dave Berg, Stacy Bergmann and Kyle Yunker.  Members Rick Katzmark, Gus Koecher and Kevin Rector were absent.  Also present were town clerk Janet Krueger; zoning administrator Ben Campbell and legal counsel Adam Jarchow.  Others present for portions of the meeting were John Koonce, Tracy Lach and Josh Yunker.

Yunker/Bergmann moved to approve the agenda; motion carried.  Yunker/Bergmann moved to approve the September 13, 2023, meeting minutes; motion carried.

No public comment was had.

Public Hearing – Special exception request for a food shop/restaurant and gifts/retail at 1982 US Highway 8 Unit A.

The public hearing opened at 6:05 p.m.  The applicant and property owner introduced themselves and presented their request.  The public hearing closed at 6:07 p.m.

Yunker/Berg moved to recommend town board approval of the food shop/restaurant and gifts/retail special exception request with the following conditions:  the special exception shall terminate upon the sale or transfer of ownership of either the parcels of land or the business itself; any formal complaint lodged against the use in the first year of operation will lead to an automatic review of the Special Exception by the Plan Commission and/or Town Board at the next possible meeting; and the Business will obey all laws and maintain all proper licenses and permits; motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote, 5-0.

Public Hearing – Zoning Amendments to change the side yard setbacks in the residential, agricultural and transitional districts to a minimum of ten feet and allow bunk houses as an accessory building in the residential, agricultural and transitional districts.

The public hearing opened at 6:10 p.m.  The amendments were reviewed.  The public hearing closed at 6:11 p.m.

Berg/Appel moved to amend the zoning ordinance allowing more than one bunk house per parcel as a special exception; motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote, 5-0.  Bergmann/Berg moved to recommend town board approval of the zoning ordinance amendments; motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote, 5-0.

Public Hearing – Minor Subdivision request to divide parcel #044-00589-0000, located at 1885 140th Avenue into two lots with Lot 1 consisting of 3.5 acres and Lot 2 consisting of 6.5 acres.

The public hearing opened at 6:23 p.m.  Mr. Yunker presented the subdivision request.  The public hearing closed at 6:26 p.m.

Yunker/Bergmann moved to recommend town board approval of the minor subdivision at 1885 140th Avenue as presented; motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote, 5-0.

No closing public comment was had.

There being no further business, Yunker/Berg moved to adjourn the meeting; motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m.

Minutes prepared by Janet Krueger, town clerk.