05-15-24 Town Board Meeting


(Draft – Not official)
The regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of St. Croix Falls was called to order by Chairman Mike Dorsey at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at the Town Hall.  Proper notice was given as the agenda was posted at the town hall and on the town’s website May 10, 2024.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.  Present by roll call were Chairman Mike Dorsey, supervisors Katie Appel and Will Bergmann.  Supervisor Jeremy Hall arrived at 6:10 p.m.  Supervisor Brent Priebe was absent.  Also present was town clerk/treasurer Janet Krueger, public works employee Steve Jacobs and legal counsel Adam Jarchow.  Others in attendance were Suzanne Boll, Jeff Handlos, Dale Anderson, Brad Eley, Adam Peper, Tonya Tendrop, Luke Johnson and Grover “Skip” Lutgen.

Appel/Bergmann moved to approve the agenda; motion carried. Appel/Bergmann moved to approve the minutes as printed for the April 17, 2024, town board meeting; motion carried.

Public comment:  Mr. Eley gave a report of fire calls in the Town by the Centuria Fire Department.  Ms. Boll stated she and her husband are selling their property at 2201 US Highway 8 and are requesting an easement from the Town in order to gain a clean deed.  Mr. Handlos expressed concern of the redistricting for fire service.  Mr. Johnson expressed concern of the redistricting for fire service.

Committee, Commission and Employee Reports: Mr. Jacobs presented the highway report.  Ms. Krueger presented the clerk/treasurer’s report.  Hall/Appel moved to approve payment of vouchers #24-106 through 24-132 amounting to $156,242.22; motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote, 4-0.  The 2024 year to date budget summaries were reviewed.  Receipts for the period ending April 30, 2024, amounted to $52,822.55, cash balance on April 30, 2024, was $541,935.56.  The building permit and zoning permit logs were reviewed.  The clerk reported a resident had concern about water drainage on their property; a residents concern of pesticides being sprayed in the ditches; and a complaint on the driveway ordinance width requirements.

New Business:  The fire agreement with the City of St. Croix Falls was reviewed and discussion was had.  Approval of the fire agreement will be placed on next month’s agenda.  The proposed amendments made to the Behavior of Animals ordinance were reviewed and the first reading was had.  The Humane/Animal Control Officer agreement was reviewed.  Polk County dispatch will be notified to call the chairman instead of the humane/animal control officer when animal calls are received.  The schedule of penalties and cash deposits was reviewed to ensure a penalty for violations of the Behavior of Animals ordinance existed.  An easement agreement for 2201 US Highway 8 was presented.  Legal counsel will contact the property owner’s attorney and buyer’s attorney for clarification on the easement agreement.  Appel/Hall moved to approve the Deer Lake fireworks display with the condition that no test rounds are shot before 9:00 p.m.  Discussion was had on blade patching; approval of roads to be blade patched will be on next month’s agenda.

Closing public comment:  Mr. Handlos expressed concern of the City of St. Croix Falls fire contract and wondered when the Village of Centuria will be requesting more money for fire service.  Ms. Boll inquired if she would be notified of the conversation with her attorney.  Mr. Lutgen stated he opposed Resolution 24-05 due to lack of information.  Mr. Eley stated the Centuria Fire Department is not upset with the St. Croix Falls fire contract since the Village will still be receiving the same funds.

Agenda items for the June 19, 2024, town board meeting:: approval of fire contract; second reading of the Animal Behavior ordinance amendments and adoption; and easement agreement for 2201 US Highway 8.  There being no further business, Bergmann/Hall moved to adjourn the meeting; motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 7:14 p.m.

Minutes prepared by town clerk Janet Krueger.