Resolution 24-23

Resolution 24-23


WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of St. Croix Falls, pursuant to Wis. Stats. 60.55 is authorized and required to provide fire protection services to the town, and

WHEREAS Wis. Stats. 66.0301 permits intergovernmental cooperation between municipalities, and

WHEREAS the Town of St. Croix Falls has previously entered into agreements with the Village of Centuria and the City of St. Croix Falls to provide fire protection services and inspections of public buildings within the Town, and

WHEREAS the City of St. Croix Falls has both facilities and equipment to provide fire protection services pursuant to Wis. Stats. 62.13(8), and

WHEREAS the existing contract expired December 31, 2011, and

WHERAS the City of St. Croix Falls and the Town of St. Croix Falls wish to extend the previous contract with an annual compounding increase of $13,220 beginning in 2025 until thirty-two percent (34%) of the fire department budget is met and thereafter no increase is to be more than five percent (5%) in any one year.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of St. Croix Falls approves a fire protection contract which includes inspections of public buildings with the City of St. Croix Falls effective August 1, 2024, at an annual compounding increase of $13,220 beginning in 2025 until thirty-two percent (32%) of the fire department budget is met and thereafter no increase is to be more than five percent (5%) in any one year.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one-half of the contract fee be paid February 1st of each year and the remaining half of the fee shall be paid August 1st of each year; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Vice Chairman and Town Clerk be authorized to sign the said contract; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any previous agreements with the City of St. Croix Falls are rescinded.

Dated this 23rd day of July 2024


THIS AGREEMENT, entered into effective the first day of January 2024 is executed by the parties this 1st day of August, 2024, by and between the City of St. Croix Falls (hereinafter refered to as “City”) and the Town of St. Croix Falls (hereinafter referred to as “Town”).

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of St. Croix Falls being authorized to provide fire protection services pursuant to WI Statute 60.55, in any manner, and the Town having requested fire protection services provided by the City of St. Croix Falls via the City’s Fire Department, and

WHEREAS, both jurisdictions would benefit by entering into a contract for fire protection services which would enable both parties to plan for manpower and capital expenditure needs provided.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals and the mutual covenants of the parties hereto and pursuant to WI Statute 60.55 and 66.30, it is agreed as follows:

  • PROVISION OF SERVICES shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions herein.
  • AREA TO BE SERVICED shall be the entire Town of St. Croix Falls.
  • SCOPE OF SERVICES.  The City of St. Croix Falls Fire Department to perform periodical inspection of every public building and place of employment, respond to any and all fire and emergency calls in the area(s) described in the preceding paragraph 2, and to render all assistance possible in the saving of life and property.  The failure to furnish the service herein agreed upon because of weather, road conditions, or the unavailability of such apparatus and equipment shall not be taken as a breach of the Agreement.  The decision of the fire Chief or the next ranking officer in charge shall be final in such matter.  The City shall not be liable to the Town for loss or damage of any kind whatsoever resulting from the failure to prevent, control or extinguish any fire, whether such loss or damage if caused by the negligence of the officers, agents or employees of the City or its fire department, or any other reason.

The City will make no claim against the Town on account of damage to the property of the City while in the fire service of the Town, and will carry property of the City while in the fire service of the Town, and further will carry liability insurance, providing for liability limits of not less than Five Hundred Thousand and no/100 ($500,000.00) Dollars per occurrence, saving both parties harmless so far as negligent acts of the fire fighters in the employ of the City are concerned.

  • THE TERM OF CONTRACT FOR FIRE SERVICES shall be for five (5) consecutive one (1) year terms. The first term shall commence on the first day of January 2024 and shall end the thirty-first day of December 2024, and each successive term shall run from January 1 to December 31, inclusive, of each year thereafter (“Terms”).  This Agreement shall be automatically renewed for each successive one (1) year term prior thereto according to the terms hereafter set forth in Section 5.  Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time during any of the Terms by providing the other party with 180 days prior written notice of such termination.
  • CHARGES FOR CITY INSPECTION AND PROTECTION SERVICES shall be furnished by the City determined as set forth below and payable in two equal annual installments each on the first (1st) of February and on the first (1st) day of August during each service year as follows:

2025 – 2029  32% of the total cost of the St. Croix Falls Fire Department, except that the increase from the previous $38,000 per year will be phased in over four years, 2025 – 2028, in approximately equal increments.

Since the Fire Department budget varies year by year, here is an example of the process utilizing the same budget numbers from 2024 for 2025:

Due to the increase of $52,880 divided by 4, equaling $13,220 the charge for 2025 would be the $13,220  plus the $38,000 (paid by Town) in 2024 equaling $51,220.  This process would be repeated for 2026, 2027 and 2028 until the charge equals 325% of total cost of the Fire Department.

After the phase in of the formula for charges to the Town, future charges for 2029 and subsequent years will not increase more than 5% in any one year.

  • CONSTRUCTION: This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and there are no other representations of warranties between the parties other than as specifically set forth herein.  Any modification or amendments to the Agreement shall be deemed effective only if in writing duly signed by both parties.