Resolution 24-33 Town Board Rules & Procedures Policy



WHEREAS the Town Board wishes to establish specific procedures for the actions of the town board in the operation of the town.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of St. Croix Falls, Polk County, Wisconsin, hereby adopts the Town Board Rules of Procedures Policy.



Rule 1:  Date and Time of Regular Meetings

The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board shall be on the third Wednesday of the month.  Starting time shall be at 6:00 p.m.

Rule 2:  Calling of Special Town Board Meetings

Calling of special meeting of the Town Board shall be in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes.  A special meeting may be called by order of the Town Board chairperson or by petition of any three supervisors of the Town Board after which the clerk shall be notified of the agenda item(s) so proper posting may be made.

Rule 3:  Assessment of Fees for calling Special Town Board Meetings

A fee of $250.00 shall be assessed to any person, group of person, corporation, or other entity when requesting the Town Board to hold a special meeting.  This fee shall be assessed for each item requested to be on the special meeting agenda.

Rule 4:  Designation of Official Publication for Town Notices

The Town Board declares that the Town shall use posting in lieu of publication.  When notices and other matters by statute must be published, such publication shall be in the Inter-County Leader.  Informational notices, when published, shall be in the Inter-County Leader and/or Tri-County North Advertiser.  Informational notices such as co-op election ads and meeting notices may be placed in additional publications within Polk County, when in the opinion of the Town Clerk or directed by the Town Board, such additional notification would be beneficial to the residents of the Town.

Rule 5:  Location of Notice Postings Sites

The following two locations shall be used as the posting sites for notices and other announcements for the Town when three posting sites are not required by statute when using the town’s website:

Town Hall, 1305 200th Street and US Highway 8

Town’s Website,

If additional posting sites are required by statute the following two locations shall also be used:

Not Justa Cafe – 1961 US Highway 8

BP Gas Station – 1960 US Highway 8

Rule 6:  Preparation of Agendas for Regular and Special Town Board Meetings

The Town Clerk in consultation with the Town chairperson or acting chairperson shall prepare agendas for all regular and special Board meeting.  The clerk shall include such items which are ordinarily and customarily considered at various times during the year.  Such agendas shall be posted in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes.  Amendments to agendas after posting may be made provided Statutes are followed.

Rule 7:  Procedures for Placing Items on the Agenda

The Board at previous meetings may identify items which are to be placed on the agenda for either a regular or special meeting.  A Board member or chairperson of a committee or commission wishing to have an item placed on the agenda or resident of the Town and other interested persons may request of the Town chairperson to have an item placed on the agenda of a future meeting; the Town chairperson shall then determine if such item will be on the agenda and notify the clerk if it is to be listed.  An item may be placed on the agenda with a petition of any three supervisors of the Town Board after which the clerk will be notified and the item will be listed.

Rule 8:  Determining the Town Board Vice Chairperson

            Vice Chairperson will be determined following the Spring General Elections.

Rule 9:  Convening of a Town Board Meeting in the Absence of the Chairperson

In the absence of the Town Board Chairperson and Town Board Vice Chairperson, the town clerk shall convene the Board meeting.  By consensus the remaining supervisors shall determine who shall preside at the meeting. In the absence of a consensus, an election shall be held with the clerk and supervisors voting.

Rule 10:  Rules of Order for Conduction Town Board Meetings

All meetings of the Town Board shall be in conformity with Wisconsin Statutes and such rules that the Town Board from time to time shall create and enact.  No rule shall be in conflict with Wisconsin Statutes.  The primary guide to parliamentary procedure shall by A Guide to Parliamentary Procedure for Local Government in Wisconsin (Larry E. Larmer, 1998) and supplemented by the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.

Rule 11:  Manner of Voting

Whenever possible, voting should be done by voice vote. If the voting result is unclear, the Chairperson or any member of the Town Board may ask for the vote to be redone in a visible form.

Recorded votes (roll-call) voting shall be used for: 1) whenever required by Wisconsin Statute including motions to go into closed (executive) session and to adjourn a closed session; 2) financial approvals; 3) authorizations of purchases of goods and services in excess of $500; 4) awarding of contracts; 5) resolutions adopting ordinances or amendments to ordinances; 6) adoption of the annual budget or amendments to the budget; 7) authorization of borrowing of monies; 8) resolutions approving major subdivisions; 9) adoption of policies and major changes to policies; 10) whenever requested by a member of the Town Board.

Other Counted voting (ex.: visible form such as show of hands) may be used for the adoption of resolutions and other substantive and important governmental decisions when a roll-call vote is not required.

Secret Ballot voting is not permitted except in accordance with Wisconsin State Statute Sec. 19.88.

Rule 12:  Authorization of Purchases in Interim Between Town Board Meetings

The Town Board Chairperson is authorized in the interim between town board meetings to approve the purchase of ordinary and necessary equipment repairs, supplies, and tools when less than $1,000. Emergency tire purchases are authorized even if in excess of $1,000.

Rule 13:   Seating Arrangement

Seating arrangements for Board meetings shall be such that Board members can easily see and converse with each other and the clerk/treasurer.  Persons making a presentation shall present from the podium in front of the board and direct their remarks to members of the Board.

Rule 14:  Citizen Input and Recognition of Audience

Each regular meeting agenda shall contain a time for citizen input and recognition of the audience.  However, no individual shall speak longer than 3 minutes or group of people longer than 15 minutes on a specific issue and not more than 30 minutes total of public comment without the unanimous consent of the Board.  If there are speakers with opposing views and/or opinions the item shall be apportioned equitable.  Specific items on the agenda can be addressed by a non-board member or officer with the consent of the Board.  All remarks made by those speaking must be directed to through the Chairperson.  Dialog between and among audience members is prohibited.  An additional public comment will be added before the meeting adjourns.  This time will be limited to no longer than 5 minutes total.

Rule 15:  Procedures for the Adoption of Resolutions

Resolutions must be listed on the agenda for the meeting in order to be acted upon and are to be included in the materials provided to Board members no later than three days prior to the regular meeting.  If action is to be taken on a resolution at a special Board meeting, copies are to be made available to the Board members in accordance with statutory posting requirements.  With the unanimous consent, resolutions of a routine matter may be acted upon if listed on the agenda even though not supplied to the Board prior to the meeting.

Rule 16:  Procedures for the Adoptions of Ordinances and Amendments to Ordinances

Ordinances and amendments to ordinances must be listed on the agenda in order to be acted upon.  Ordinances and amendments to ordinances except zoning map changes shall have two readings before enactment and these readings shall be in two different months, one of which shall be a regular monthly meeting of the Board.  In addition to hearings required by Statutes of certain ordinances, the Town Board may provide for hearings on proposed ordinances and amendments to ordinances at its discretion.

Rule 17:  Reports from committees, Commissions, and Employees

Written and oral reports covering the previous month’s activities (including minutes of any meetings) and listing anticipated activities for the ensuing month shall be submitted to the clerk from the following:  law enforcement, fire departments, zoning administration, building inspection, highway, Plan Commission, Board of Appeals, and other commissions committees, and boards.  These reports and minutes are to be delivered to and received by the clerk no later than one week prior to the date of the regular monthly meeting of the Board.

Rule 18:  Procedures for the Disbursement of Funds and Payment

Prior to the disbursement of any funds in the payment of any bills or obligations of the Town a voucher shall be prepared and signed by the Town Chairperson and Town Clerk as required by Statute and approved by the Town Board at a regular or special meeting with the following exceptions: payroll, tax deposits, tax settlements, and utility bills.  All checks shall be signed by the clerk and treasurer, as required by Statute.

Rule 19:  Designation of Depository for Funds of the Town

The following financial institutions are designated public depositories for the Town.

Eagle Valley Bank                2206 Glacier Drive               St. Croix Falls, WI  54024

MidWest One Bank              2183 US Highway 8              St. Croix Falls, WI  54024

Royal Credit Union                2071 Glacier Drive               St. Croix Falls, WI  54024

Local Government Investment Pool                                    Madison, Wisconsin

Rule 20:  Payment of Board Members and Officers Salaries

Payment of the salaries of the Town Board members and elected officers shall be on a monthly basis and shall be the first regular payday of the month according to the previously adopted pay schedule for Town employees.

Rule 21:  Procedures for Submitting Expense Claims

Board members, officers and staff  shall from time to time during the year submit expenses vouchers to the clerk for payment of mileage at the current IRS rate Res. 00-49 (Town Board members will be reimbursed mileage only outside the Town boundaries), phone (long distance), and other customary expenses incurred while on Town business.

Out of Town Conferences and Conventions:

  • Pre-Registration is encouraged and should be vouchered through the Town. Reimbursement for attendance at conferences and conventions shall be vouchered separately with supporting documentation included if unable to preregister.
  • The most affordable lodging that is practicable should be used and supporting documentation is required for reimbursement.
  • Meals (excluding alcoholic beverages) will be reimbursed up to thirty-five dollars ($35.00) per full day for approved attendees. Supporting documentation is required for reimbursement.

Employees and such other non-employees entitled to expense reimbursement shall have the voucher approved by the Town chairperson who shall then submit it to the clerk for processing.  Reimbursement for purchases, such as but not limited to supplies and parts, made for the Town shall be evidenced by presenting a sales and/or credit card slip.

Rule 22:  Authorizing Attendance of Employees at Meetings and Workshops

The Town chairperson may authorize or direct an employee to attend a meeting or workshop in line with the individual’s responsibilities for the Town and approve the reasonable reimbursement of expenses thereto.  Elected officials are encouraged to attend workshops, seminars and conventions as budget allows and with prior approval of the Town Board when the amount will exceed $100.00.  Members are encouraged to car pool whenever possible.

Rule 23:  Authorization of Burning Permits

Burning Permits can be authorized by any Town Board Officer, Town Clerk and Town Zoning Administrator.  Burning Permits are not issued when the Department of Natural Resources has declared a high or above fire danger.  The Town uses the DNR website to determine fire danger (

Rule 24:  Amendments to the Rules

Amendments to these rules shall be made upon a two-thirds vote of the membership of the Board and shall become effective the first day on the next month following passage.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these terms begin effective upon passage and posting of this resolution.

Dated this 16th day of October 2024