Town of St. Croix Falls Cemetery

Burial Map Nov 2022

Burials 2-2025

Mailing Address:
710 Highway 35 South
St. Croix Falls, WI  54024

Cemetery Treasurer:
Marci Nielsen

Cemetery Sexton:
Cheryl Lehman

Schedule of Fees:

$500 Per Plot
$250 Per Half Plot
$125 Per 1/4 Military Marker Plot

Cremation Opening & Closing
$150 Single Cremation
$300 Winter Single Cremation
$200 Dual Cremation
$400 Winter Dual Cremation

Plot Staking Fees
$75 Plot Staking Fee
$150 Winter Plot Staking Fee

Monument/Marker Staking Fees
$75 Monument/Marker
$150 Winter Monument/Marker

Please Note:  The St. Croix Cemetery will not be plowed in the winter unless requested.

Please contact Cemetery Sexton or Treasurer if plowing is needed.